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2023年9月23日 (土)

September Ember Days

 Fr.ZのブログにEmber Days についての記事がありました。私は知らなかったのですが今日はその日ですね。最後の方に日本に関係あることが書かれています。日本ではポルトガル語から日本語になった言葉があるのはよく知られています。

With the arrival of mid-September, and the Feast of the Exaltation of the Cross (14 Sept) we come around again to our Ember Days.  The September Ember Days this year are today, Wednesday 20 Sept, Friday 22 and Saturday 23.

Observance of Ember Days is very ancient, going back in the Roman Church to at least Gelasius I (496) who speaks of four times a year.  Leo the Great (+461) preached about three times.   Pope Callixtus I (+222) laid down fasting laws.  The Ember Days correspond, roughly, to changes of seasons.

Keep in mind that Ember Days were times of penance.  Perhaps you could fast and abstain for some good intention on these days.



Fun fact.

In the 16th c. Spanish and Portuguese missionaries settled in Nagasaki, Japan.  From their interest in inculturation and out of sensitivity for the ways of the people, they tried to make meatless meals for Embertide, which is a fast time.  They started deep-frying shrimp.  The Japanese ran with and developed it to perfection.  This is “tempura,” again from the Latin term for the Ember Days” Quatuor Tempora“.

I think I’ll get some tempura on Friday. (Fr.Z’s Blog)

Photo  私も今日の夕食は天ぷらにしようかな?エビではなく秋ナスの天ぷらが美味しそうです。wink