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2019年6月20日 (木)


 「Fr.Zのブログ」より:Fr.Z への質問です。


Someone told me that I am bound to attend mass at my territorial parish, even though it is a rule that is not followed by many people. I was told this as reason for why I should not be attending the TLM at a church about 30 minutes away from my house. Is this true? Am I required to attend mass only at my territorial parish church?

In the 1983 Code of Canon Law we find that on Sundays and other holy days of obligation, the faithful are obliged to participate in the Mass (can. 1247).  We also find that, “a person who assists at a Mass celebrated anywhere in a Catholic rite either on the feast day itself or in the evening of the preceding day satisfies the obligation of participating in the Mass.(can. 1248 §1).

Hence, you can go to Mass anywhere, so long as it is a Catholic Mass.・・・・・・・・

Keep in mind that, out of justice, if you are receiving services from a parish, you should be supporting the parish financially (or an equivalent) as well.


