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2023年2月 7日 (火)

Robert Cardinal Sarah


When priests offer the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass unworthily, when they give the Eucharistic Jesus to sinners who have no intention of asking Him to forgive their sin’s or of living according to the gospel, they betray Jesus once again. When Mass, for the priest, has become a theater, a social gathering, an entertainment in which he behaves like the variety-show host who has to resort to his personal creativity in order to make the atmosphere interesting and attractive; when he indulges in cultural adaptations, personal explanations, and commentaries instead of making room for the ineffable groanings of the Holy Spirit present in every Eucharistic celebration, what becomes of the faith of the faithful? At the heart of the Eucharist, the priest must experience the unique power of silent adoration and have at heart a prayer that, in all its aspects, is conformed to the prayer that Jesus addresses to His Father. We have enough eminent specialists and doctors in the ecclesiastical sciences. What the Church tragically needs today is men of God, men of faith, and priests who adore in spirit and in truth.

A book with which to follow Jesus by means of the seven sacraments

The modest purpose of this volume is to accompany all those who have set their hearts on responding to God’s love with a full, happy, fruitful life that will culminate in the eternal happiness of contemplating Him. The book was born of the desire to help them make an interior journey of spiritual ascent, so as to open up for them the possibility of a life-changing encounter.

 回心のない人へご聖体を授けたり、ごミサが社交場、エンターテイメントになり、司祭はバラエティー番組の司会者のように振る舞う・・・ サラ枢機卿様の言われる通りです。


 改善するのに一番良い方法はごミサの時の司祭様の向きを180度変えることですね。⇩ lovely
